I Dance the Other 2021

I Dance The Other seeks to explore how fine art practice can cross fertilise each other onto new creative possibilities.

An interdisciplinary project in collaboration between Central Saint Martins and Studio Wayne McGregor

In tandem with the current immunological crisis, we have adapted the project to social-distancing protocols. Since quarantine has to do essentially with a suspension of the physical space, the project intuitively shifted to the digital sphere. But still we want to share a dance, though captured movements and lapses of cutting and pasting. There is an eminent sense of disconnection between body and image in screen, the spaces are flattened and time is stretched. Still it gives a wide possibility for storytelling, idealized bodies and twisted effects.

These projects are pieces reflected upon a group of interrupted bodies and isolated artists, dancing through digital windows.

link to archived event - https://idancetheother.hotglue.me/


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